In January, the catalog of the Bonleoni furniture collection finally came out. In the last three years, Daniele Bonicolini, as "art director", could create a new concept of exclusivity where elegance, originality and refinement have been melted to achieve unique pieces. A contemporary collection for living room with a special focus on home wine/bar furniture, showcases and sideboards.

The 28th of September, in Verona, it has been hold the conference "La bellezza dell'arte appassiona l'abitare". As part of the same event, it has been organized a meeting and diner in Villa Dionisi of the Morelato family where it has been discussed the relationship between art and design with the special guest Prof.Vittorio Sgarbi. Some pictures of the meeting where Daniele Bonicolini has been invited to provide his contribution:
It has been published on Damas Design Studio channel the first video about how to choose colours properly in interiors. It is a little "journey" through the basic rules to be considered to find the best colours schemes in interiors.
After being for weeks within the top ten of the books ranking list (section Design & Architecture) of the famous Russian bookstores chain “Moskva”, today, 14th of September ’14, the book “Создание интерьеров. Стиль и комфорт” became the number one of the charts. I would like to thank all the readers that expressed so much appreciation for the work done.
Here you are the video of the book presentation in the conference room at the Hotel Golden Ring in Moscow (Russian language):
Here you are the video of the book presentations in Moscow in the historical bookstore, Biblio Globus («Библио-Глобус») and in the new bookstore, "Moskva" («Москва») (Russian language):
The 21st of May 2014, Daniele Bonicolini has presented the book «Создание интерьеров. Стиль и комфорт» in the historical bookstore in Moscow, Biblio Globus («Библио-Глобус»).
Here you are some pictures of this meeting with the readers:
The day after, the 22nd of May 2014, the author represented the book in the new bookstore in Moscow, "Moskva" («Москва»).
Here you are some pictures of the event:
The 3th of April, Daniele Bonicolini has presented the book «Создание интерьеров. Стиль и комфорт» for the first time in the conference room at the Hotel Golden Ring in Moscow, just a few days after the issue of the book in the bookstores in Russia. Many people, who came to the event, got the opportunity to be introduced by the author to the fascinating world of the interior design.
Here you are some pictures of the presentation:
The 2nd of April, Daniele Bonicolini has been interviewed by "Radio Vesna Fm" in Moscow, during the radio brodcast "От рассвета до работы" conducted by Лена Батинова.
Here you are some pictures of the interview:
During the "Salone Internazionale del Mobile" in Milan (April 2014), Daniele Bonicolini has met two close working partners: Lorenzo Michelacci, owner and general director of TOSCONOVA/UNIQUE and Andrea Ferrazzini, co-owner and director of the "ad hoc" furniture designing division of the Italian brand MORELATO:
The magazine "Cosmopolitan Russia" has published a review of the book «Создание интерьеров. Стиль и комфорт"», in their issue of May 2014.